Elections in the UK

Right now I have discussion with Lewis Baston abut the election system in UK

He is working for ERS

And he thinks that the election system in UK need to change because it´s old and not very democratic. His opinion is that "first past the post" is just for the big parties. He says that it's a big discussion to change the election system - we have to wait for the next election, says Lewis Baston

But he don't know when and how that reform could be introduced .

It also depend on if Labour or the conservative (torries) party win the next election.

There are a lot of questions to take care of first after un election, to change the electing system are not the first issue .

But it is interesting to listen to Lewis Bastons opportunities and hazards for the future.



(som vanligt skriver jag mest för att det är kul och lärorikt. De som blir störda av att läsa min blogg rekommenderas att läsa någon annans blogg i stället. Den som däremot vill komma med ändringsförslag är välkommen att göra det även om det inte är säkert att jag ändrar...)


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