When is the next general elections in the UK?

Right now everyone focuses on the president campaigns in USA and no one know when Labour and Gordon Brown are call on a election in UK.  The poll ratings are not so good right now and there are two more years to change that.      

David Cameron is promising major changes and radical a social reforms.

For Mr Cameron, it is the "epidemic" of knife crime currently dominating the headlines that has provided the backdrop to his attacks on Labour's record. But unlike Mr Blair - who pledged to rebuild "civic society" and use the power of the state to transform individual lives - Mr Cameron believes the answer lies in the state doing less.

A Cameron government would try to bolster the family and promote marriage through tax breaks - but it would also be likely to dismantle much of the bureaucracy that has grown up around social policy under Labour.

In that sense, it is a very Thatcherite vision.

And Labour will attack it as such, invoking memories of Thatcher era social strife and division

Labour is undoubtedly irked by Mr Cameron's incursion on to what it sees as its home turf.


Postat av: Daniel Johansson

Problemet för Labour nu är att de, precis som vi här hemma, har gjort ett alldeles för dåligt jobb när det gäller jämlikhetsfrågan. Det är därför inte särskilt konstigt att Tories når stora framgångar; inspirerade av moderaterna går de till val på att bli ett bättre socialdemokratiskt parti än socialdemokratin självt. Därtill kryddas politiken med en hård retorik mot brott och invandrare - två ämnen som tyvärr är alldeles för populära bland folk.

2008-08-20 @ 18:19:37
URL: http://www.lakejerna.blogspot.com

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