Immigration in Quebec
Immigration in Quebec
This afternoon we visit the immigration direction regionale de la Capitale nationale in Quebec. They need more citizens and have a plan how to grow whit 2000 people per year. Some of them are economic immigrants, skilld workers, business people and family reunifacition. 64% had a knowledge of French upon when they arrival in Quebec, 50 % of them have completed 14 or more years of schooling.
Principal they comeback from Haiti, China, Algera, Marocco, France, Colombia, Iran and Libanon Better match of the selection of skilled workers with the needs of labour market in facilitaing of certain types of candidates.
Quebec is a French-speaking society, and welcomes immigrants who speaks French and pay French courses abroad before peopel move to Quebec. It is possible to learn online for self-training and have a self-training centre in Quebec city.
På eftermiddagen idag besökte vi en invandrarbyrå, immigration-Quebec De beskrev sin plan på hur de ska bli fler invånare genom invandring. De tänkte öka med 2000 personer om året med människor från stora delar av världen. De flesta är ekonomiska invandrare och flyttar pga av att de får jobb, några är flyktingar.
Alla som kommer ska lära sig Franska vilket de kan göra i utomlands innan de flyttar, via internet eller på en mängd olika kurser heltid, deltid, distans, weekendskurser osv