Speech in UN aboute Palestine and Israel

The children don’t have any hope for the future - because the Israeli - Palestine conflict seems not to have an end. We have to give the children hope for the future, we should support the peace process more, it's acute.
In 1948 Folke Bernadotte were appointed the first official mediator of the United Nations. He succeeded in achieving an initial truce during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Days before he were about to present his second plan for a political solution of the Israel and Palestinian conflict to the United Nations he was assassinated. The reason for the murder was his engagement in trying to solve the conflict.
I would like to stress the importance of this, in believing in dialogue and a peaceful process. In believing in the end of this conflict that has killed, hurt and displaced thousands of people during the last years. In believing in democracy, equality and peace.
The Government of Sweden has recognized the State of Palestine.
Some say this announcement is premature - that it will make the peace process more difficult. Our own worry is rather the opposite - that it might be too late.
The peace process is stalled. Facts on the ground are rapidly changing and will soon render a two-state solution not only more difficult, but almost impossible.
There really is no time to waste. Our recognition aims at making the parties to the conflict less unequal. It aims at supporting moderate Palestinians, providing a positive injection into the dynamics of the Middle East Peace Process, and sending a clear and convincing signal to younger generations that there is an alternative to violence and an alternative to the status quo.
Some say that the Swedish government takes only one’s side part – but this is not true.
I would like to make it very clear that Swedish government makes equal demands on both sides to take steps to achieve peace - we won’t accept violence from any side. Both Palestine and Israel has to accept each other as states – this is very important.
We firmly believe that a negotiated two-state solution that guarantees both peoples in terms of security and national self-determination remains the solution.
The focus today is on the people of Gaza.
Most of the children in Gaza have never seen peace. The young people needs to be given the chance to a peaceful life. These teenagers and children deserves a life without war. They deserve a future.
As the vice chair of IPU’s Committee on Middle East Questions, I would like to take this opportunity to put the focus on the humanitarian situation for the children in the State of Palestine that is still largely unchanged, even more fragile with the detoriating situation in neighboring Syria. Children and their families living in the West Bank and Gaza are among the Middle East's most vulnerable populations.
The overall humanitarian situation in the region is in many ways acute. Human rights is violated on an everyday basis. Poverty is increasing while unemployment is rising.
Another consequence of the conflict is women's situation in the region. Not only does the lack of healthcare and clean water and food make the possibility for the women to support their family hard. Few women have the possibility or the right to get educated. The freedom of women are decreasing while the violence against women are doing the opposite.
Achieving gender equality in Israeli and Palestinian societies are urgent. The rights of women cannot be ignored any longer.
The demand for clean water is another crucial issue followed by the conflict. The lack of clean water is a violation of the human rights. Everyone should have access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Everyone should have the right to survive.
The United Nations and the Middle East are closely linked. The region has shaped the organization like no other. The conflict, the violence but also the thirst for peace has had a great impact on politics in the international community and the work within the UN.
In the Middle East, the responsibility for the success of the direct negotiations lies with the two parties, but we all share an interest in, and must contribute to, a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security. In the international community, the responsibility for a success in the peace process lies on all of us.
As vice president of the Middle East Committee of the IPU I can assure you that the IPU and the Committee are deeply concerned with the situation. And yes, under criticism we do include the Hamas in our talks, which military wing is labelled a terrorist organization. My dear friend and the Chair of the Committee, Lord Frank Judd, always underlines the need to include all parts to reach results. He often talks about peace in Northern Ireland and the need to include the IRA for this to happen.
The Committee on Middle East Questions has been visiting the region many times with the purpose to gain a first-hand understanding of the situation and bring the two sides back to the negotiating table at the parliamentary level. The committee is also working on a plan of action in order to create more discussions between Israeli and Palestinian MPs.
The global community need to work together in trust, in promoting a dialogue between the two sides, in providing good conditions for a peaceful process and in securing democracy and the human rights both regionally, and globally.
We need to hope for peace. We need to struggle for peace. We need to believe in peace.
Folke Bernadotte was a Peace Pioneer. He believed that there was a peaceful and possible solution to the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. Let us all come together and do the same.
Palestinians need our solidarity and our long-term support to live on their land in dignity and peace.
We must not lose track of the real goal: a two-state solution and an end to the occupation.